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The Mission: To Know and Share Jesus
Harmony United Methodist Church enjoys a rich history with Methodists meeting near the site of the present church since 1791. The church was officially organized in 1795. In the beginning, the original sanctuary was shared with three other denominations: Episcopalians, Presbyterians and Quakers. It was the sharing of facilities that gave the church its name. In fact, the unity, amity and loyalty shared by early congregations as they worshiped here, led to the name "Harmony" being applied to them as well.
Our Programs
Harmony has many fine programs to offer visitors: Walk to Emmaus, Chrysalis [the youth counterpart to Emmaus], Creation, an active women's group called the MaBea's, Vacation Bible School, Kidspace Sunday School, Youth Alive and adult and youth mission trips. We also have a small group ministry called LIFE [Living In Faith Everyday] Groups. Our LIFE Groups will provide an ideal time to meet and share with fellow Christians.
What makes us unique at Harmony is that you will be able to cultivate and see "a living faith in Jesus." God has blessed us with some beautiful people.
Church Service - Sundays at 9:30AM
Kidspace - During Church Service
Youth Alive - Sundays at 6:00PM
740 Harmony Road
Route 10 North
Morgantown PA 19543
Office 610-286-9823
Our Hearts, Our Minds and Our Doors are Always Open
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