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About God


We believe that there is one true God, eternally existing in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that in the beginning God created out of nothing the world and all things therein, thus manifesting the glory of His power, wisdom, and goodness.


About Jesus Christ


We believe Jesus Christ was sent by God the Father to save sinners. We believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and lived a sinless in life. We believe He was both God and man, that He was crucified for our sins and was bodily raised from the dead. He then ascended to heaven where He is head of the Church and intercedes for believers. We believe Jesus Christ is coming again to reign as Lord.


About the Holy Spirit


We believe the Holy Spirit is a Person, and has all the divine characteristics. He indwells, baptizes and seals all believers at the moment of salvation. He fills them with His spirit in response to their confession of sin and surrender to Him. About the Bible We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, divinely inspired. We believe the Bible, Old and New Testaments, reveals the Word of God so far as it necessary for our salvation. It is to be received through the Holy Spirit as the true rule and guide for faith and practice. Whatever is not revealed in or established by the Bible is not to be taught as essential to salvation.


About Salvation


We believe that the salvation of humankind is wholly a work of God's free grace, and not the result of human effort. This saving grace must be personally received by a decision to repent and believe in Jesus Christ. We believe all people stand under the righteous judgment of Jesus Christ, both now and in the last day. We believe in the resurrection of the dead; the righteous to life eternal and the wicked to endless condemnation.


About the Church


We believe that the Church is the body of Christ, a redeemed people, obedient to God. We are called to lives characterized by love, worship, prayer, and teaching of the Word. We practice the sacraments of baptism and communion. We are also called to lives of fellowship, witness, healing, service to the body through the development and use of gifts and talents, and outreach to the world. We believe there is one true universal church, comprised of those who acknowledge Jesus as Savior and Lord. We believe that the true purpose of the Church is to glorify God.

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